일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 HumanReploidJP의 일러스트

Purely Lovely White Bride ~ Rosebride (Rosewhite)

즐겨찾기 1


  • 1monthOCcontest

  • 장미

  • love

  • 자캐

  • 포니테일

  • weddingdress

  • beautiful

  • bride

  • shotgun

  • rosewhite

※ 이 작품의 테그편집은 할 수 없습니다.

Rosewhite in a pure white wedding outfit with golden yellow, pink, and very dark indigo colors in outlines and mini folds, thus dubbing the name "Rosebride".

In this outfit, Rosewhite manifests her true purity, beauty and love as a whole towards everyone who view her, (including, major spoiler alert, Jerome, her groom-to-be).

In times of battle, she retains her pure innocence and justice against her opponents with her shotgun that shoots not only foes, but she also gracefully shoots them out of love and passion for everyone who support her.

Comment: "Rosewhite, by the way, was very mature enough to maintain her adorable appearance. As I was in the middle of making this artwork, I noticed that my previous artwork "The Pink Neolite Patrol Purist (Rosewhite)" got a Level 1 rank achievement, and I'm very proud that it gave me enough time alone to thank every viewer who saw it for the last few days."

    다음 작품

    신작순 HumanReploidJP의 일러스트


    Experient Illustrator


    인기 작품

    오늘의 레벨업!