For InkLord | Check Desc for more info owo
6 years ago
w o o t w o o t
Name: Riley Shiranoshima
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Birthday: October 15th
Blood Type: O-
Personality: Boring, Empathetic, Minds her own business.
*Prefers to not talk about her ability
Ability: “Healing hands”
Riley has an ability where she can heal wounds with her hands.
She doesn’t like the ability she’s been given (Because she thinks it’s stupid, useless and embarrassing - though she does try to use it) so she tends to hide the bandages by wearing long sleeves.
The downfalls to her ability are
-She can’t heal big wounds like broken legs, arms etc,
-If she overuses her ability (Which she does all the time.) She gets cuts on her arms (That’s why she wears a bandage around it) and she will get dizzy.
-She cannot heal herself.
*Riley doesn’t really know how to control and use her ability properly
Hopefully that makes sense to you xD
I’ll be making maybe two more characters, I dunno yet :3