插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 ☁︎Orion☁︎的插畫

You failed her and you know it [Finished]

我的最愛 5
閱覽數 120


  • MediBang

  • Goharon’sTrial

I said I’d explain this piece and that’s what I’m gonna do.. so please bare with me.
This all takes place a few months after Allison’s transformation and the disasterous events of the corination. By this point, Allison had been training like the rest of his peers- unlike before the incident where he’d be treated like glass- for a several months. The programme he had been enrolled in was mainly combat oriented and focused on finding a weapon to match your style of fighting. The instructors had been expecting him to take after his mother in terms of weapons and fighting but, as they’d learned, Allison was quite a different story. His talents focused mainly on ranged combat combat based spells- differing greatly to Ellina as she’d mastered the battle axe. Weeks passed by until one day, the kingdom came under attack. His unit had been sent to guard the Queen but one of the enemy managed to take them all on. Lying on the floor, Allison watched as the Queen was slain.. felled by the enemy.


    上傳時間 ☁︎Orion☁︎的插畫





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