일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Hope299GAMES의 일러스트

Timeline Watchers Revamp LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 1


  • 핑크

  • digital

  • 자캐

  • red

  • 보라색

  • green

  • scifi

  • redesign

  • Hope299GAMES

Timeline watchers is a generalized term used for a variety of specialists who watch alternate timeliness and universes to protect them and find out more information about the multiverse. Thanks to probability nearly anything you can imagine exists in some way shape or form with 1000s of variations.
The concept was originally added to the NCU in 2018 and has expanded with concepts and members of this secretive [in the case of NCU not so secretive] organization. There's a lot of different roles and teams, most notably this one and another belonging to a different universe that I won't talk about much here, they deserve their own post.
Members can either join through work and proof of skill or the role is passed down through family members, it used to only be family members but in modern times that's unreliable and frankly dangerous after repeated events.
Btw there's a ton of references in these images if anyone can find them all ill love you forever [specifically look Eileen and richard]

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    신작순 Hope299GAMES의 일러스트




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