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Latest oreganoCure’s art

Jasper x Peridot Fusion

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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • StevenUniverse

  • Gem

  • Jasper

  • Peridot

  • Fusion

  • Sphalerite

  • Gemfusion

Also known as Sphalerite, this fusion is one between Jasper and Peridot. The form is based slightly upon Malachite's appearance, while also drawing upon ideas of a Centaur- being that they'd represent something strong and coming from nature, while also being wise and strategic. I imagine their weapon would be Jasper's helmet, but with a sharper shape, much like that of the Kindergarten metal that Peridot used to poof Jasper- unless you consider a unicorn horn a step too far.

I ship this far more than I ship any other Steven Universe characters, because- in my eyes- these two have a great duo going on. Peridorito + Big Buff Cheeto Puff = the best lesbian space rocks.

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