4 years ago
Tgis is for my mom she is a tutor and because of covid 19 its hard for her to teach students without making notes on there notebooks also her students cant understand well without written notes so she really wanted this white board so she can teach her students by makeing notes i will be really grateful if you will buy me this i also want to surprise my mom with this she spent all of her time takung care of me and i am grateful for that and want her to be happy too merry Christmas
Link https://www.amazon.in/Pragati-Systems-Whiteboard-Lightweight-Aluminium/dp/B01N2MN71B/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=white+board&qid=1608867989&refinements=p_36%3A6265404031&rnid=6265400031&s=office&sr=1-5