插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 °˖✧✿ RaRa ✿✧˖°的插畫

Mermaid Princess Sara & Seira

我的最愛 1
閱覽數 124


  • fanart

  • 插畫

  • 數碼

  • kawaii

  • 美人魚

  • animegirl

  • magicalgirl

  • animestyle

The last mermaid finally. So my trial have come to an end. Gyahaha! In this mermaid series I did a lot of mistakes in my drawing and learn a lot. I try my best to get used to this colouring style again. To be honest, it only take around 5 hours per image compare to my semi-realistic. (*´▽`*)
This two are tricky. They have orange colour theme but both are different orange shade. Even though its not in my fav colour list, they are my favorite among the other mermaids I draw.
Do not use my artwork in any way possible.
Thank you very much!


    上傳時間 °˖✧✿ RaRa ✿✧˖°的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP