일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Cosmos의 일러스트

Solace - Blue Hunter OC

즐겨찾기 0


  • BLUEHUNTER_ArtContest

  • BLUEHUNTER-OriginalCharacterCategory

  • 소녀

  • 일러스트

  • anime

  • animegirl

  • Artwork

Name of Hunter: Solace
Hunter Class : 2
Height / Weight: 5'4 , 125 pounds
Nationality: Japanese
Ranking within Hunter Class : 10
Characteristics : Ever since she was a child Solace was always fascinated by the mystery of the ocean and how much there is left to explore out there. She doesn't care what she has to do as long as she gets to explore the ocean and its depth. It just happened that being a blue hunter was one of the ways where you can do it freely. She is always attracted to strong people which is her teammates but she only sees them as a way to fullfill her purpose. Even though she sees them that way she still puts her life on risk when it comes to her teammates because she knows that losing even one of them is one step backwards to her goal.
Skills : She has learned to read fish behavior accurately, she can also sense anomalies in the ocean with her smell both which help her find different marine species. Also apt on physical aspects because she trains when she has time

    다음 작품

    신작순 Cosmos의 일러스트




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