- Orchid - LEVEL 3
3 years ago
Kinda crooked Orchid for attention :P
I'm satisfied of this tree, though it is pink it turned out even nice
I promised a post regarding requests, so here it is
(greet people reading the descriptions ;D )
but, let's respect each other, a few rules:
1. for followers only
2. one OC per request
3. in comment ADD LINK to your drawing of OC
4. make sure you have something that can be used as a reference
(if the drawing doesn't tell me too much, I'll refuse you, forgive me)
5. empty accounts will not be taken into consider
I will take 10 requests and will draw half body of your OC
Z kąd się was tyle nabrało??
I still have no idea what you guys are doing here, you have so many other artists, but no, you came right here
Have nice day / night / afternoon / morning / evening / or whatever you want :3