插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 happy the angel of arts的插畫

arica in a dress

我的最愛 2
閱覽數 69


  • oc

  • au

  • 變形金剛

  • tfa

  • tfp

the is arica and she is a tfa oc that i loved and the reason why i made her is because that i couldn't stop thinking so i made arica but in her party r whatever kind of dress and arica is sari's sister and yes here name is arica sumdac so hope ya'll like her and her style and nte that there are 15 days of school so i am sorry but i may think that i am going to not come back to art street but when i get on to 8th grade i will get my chrome book back and get back t artstreet ok ty


    上傳時間 happy the angel of arts的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP