イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

新着 CadrianaCのイラスト

Me and My Bestie, Jordan

お気に入り 1
ビュー数 227


  • 第3回トレスde描こうコンテスト

  • 【公式】トレスde描こう!

  • 可愛い

  • バニー

  • story

  • monkey

  • 誕生日

  • buddy

  • ドーナツ

  • bestie

  • besties

We unexpectedly became friends after I kinda fought with his big brother who was in the same class as I am.
I knew him when his brother bought him to our hangout last December 2019. We ice skated and that was an unforgettably amazing experience. At first, I feel annoyed because I didn't really know him well and I've always liked small close people hangouts, but little did I know that he was going to be my next bestie, replacing his brother?! And yes, we became besties.
Fast forward to today, I'm still Jordy's friend but we aren't really close anymore. I feel like he changed, a little bit at least. Nevertheless, I'm glad we're still friends and talk occasionally. It's his birthday soon (27th September) I hope I could win this contest to make him proud!
Jordy, if you're seeing this, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♡


    新着 CadrianaCのイラスト



