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Latest Waka waka ayay (desc)’s art

DTA (Closed)

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3 years ago

  • medibangpaint

DTA means draw to adopt for those who didn't know. when the cat in the picture above was a little kitten he was involved in a nuclear explosion which took his right eye out. But he also got magical powers from it and such (the person who wins this adopt can choose what they are.)

before you start drawing fill out this fro. to help with judging (be honest please):
what will you name him?/scale 1-10 of when you will use him/ why do you want him?/what will you use him for?/ and the code word (you can find it somewhere in this description.)

keep art PG 13 ish
no stealing or copying art
no groups sorry
be creative

if you have any questions please ask me in the comments
thank you

code word: name your favorite type of ice cream

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