일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 AbyssPetals의 일러스트

The Gift I Want 2020 Edition!💖

즐겨찾기 0


  • giftyouwant2020

  • giftyouwant2020:50000YenGift

  • medibangpaint

I am based in Canada, so here is the Canadian Amazon link! https://www.amazon.ca/XP-PEN-Artist13-3-Full-Laminated-Graphics-Function/dp/B07VPHR6GD/ref=sr_1_15?dchild=1&keywords=xp-pen+drawing+tablet&qid=1609039900&sr=8-15

Now, as to what is pictured! I currently have a Wacom intuos pro Small... I have had it for years! I love it dearly, but it is also a small tablet and one that lays on the desk, of course... I've always dreamed of having a screen tablet, but those are always out of my price range as I can't manage to afford one.

I really want to try harder in 2021, with the encouragement and motivation from my friends and peers, I want to take my digital art to a new level that I can feel that I'm improving! As pictured, is my current tablet, my three cats, my workspace, and my dream of doing more art streams with my Virtual Avatar! (And, my dream tablet to get me started with screen tablets!) Thank-you, ArtStreet! 🥺💝💖

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    신작순 AbyssPetals의 일러스트


    Abyss Artist


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