Kiting c: LEVEL 1
11 months ago
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"I got the kite :D"
hello people c:
I did an illustration for the contest of february. and i am passing on it 1 day before deadline. dear it has been a busy busy month, i had alot of work to finish and i was only able to find time this week. Anyways, i wanted to draw the golden trumpet trees just because it looks beautiful, it became one of the primary motifs in this illustration, and yea kites are also awesome!
the timelapses will be late for both february and march, i still have that research defense by april ;-;) so its probably going to be sent somewhere june, where summer starts C:
こんにちは、皆さん c:
2月のコンテスト用にイラストを描きました...そして、締め切りの1日前にそれを提出します... 申し訳ありません。
タイムラプスは2月と3月の両方とも遅れます、まだ4月に研究発表がありますので、おそらく6月頃に送られる予定です、そこから夏が始まります C: