Fursona sketch: Arctic
Arctic is a snowy owl wolf. He used to live in an illegal experimental facility, where he was held hostage and subject to experiments without his consent for years. He is older, in his late thirties to mid forties. He has an illness: Void, also known as Altered’s Black- Eye. It’s a mental parasite that feeds off his Memory. Due to this he has spotty memory and sometimes, amnesia. He is called a Voidhost. The Void, in his mind, is like a demon, possessing him at random. Arctic can’t fight it. It drives him a bit mad. He is a gladiator fighter because of his vicious Void state. He’s one of the Facility’s prize Arena fighters. The ID numbers is his numeric name.
Later on, he is freed from the illegal facility, but he can’t be cured of Void. He is invited to stay in a care taking place, like a recovery home. Eventually he commits suicide and is willingly euthanized.
The yellow version is the regular Arctic. The gray ones are Voidhost, controlling him. I love him!!