插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Keeps Ache的插畫

you`re making me 𝘢𝘯𝘹𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴!! LEVEL 1

我的最愛 5
閱覽數 77


  • character

  • doodles

  • oc

  • design

  • glitch

  • aesthetic

  • queer

  • NotAZipFile

started this in the car and then spent like an hour and a half adding Stuff to it hfhsfhsd
living with someone who's interacted with one (1) other person in his entire life and has become a sort of nervous perfectionist Will do things to you. take it from Charlie! (also being predisposed to the Anxiety might also do it in the environment they're in Loll)
hey but what's up what's down?? i got my computer restricted for a bit so Lol :3
OH AND guess who got its first eye exam!!! i'm getting glasses in like a week i'm SO excited!! :DDDD i've needed them for like 5 years and the doctor's assistant said i had a ~+~really strong prescription~+~ so lllllmao :33
anyway i'm also having my usual issues with this story when it comes to script-writing!! i'm tryin to figure this out but OUhaghauhgug. the. the Difficulties. they're... Difficult. ing


    上傳時間 Keeps Ache的插畫


    Amateur Artist
    Keeps Ache



    今天的LEVEL UP