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Too Precious to Smash LEVEL 1

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4 years ago

  • pokemon

  • SuperSmashBros.

  • Pikachu

  • Pichu

As I'm slowly improving my noob smash skills for some reason Pikachu does well in my mash buttons. I take it is good for beginners yeah must be it. It can't be my fated main right? Ok it's getting scary.
Pichu is a cinnamon roll specially with those optional hats and stuff but huh I can't help to raise my eyebrows about it hurting itself. And being easy to blast off huh. I miiiiight be neglecting some potential right here but again I'm still discovering the fighters! It may....take a while.

Dang Let's Go and Smash Bros you making me doodle the rat more than ever!

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