일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 YannDessuDraws의 일러스트

Freya Character Collage

즐겨찾기 2


  • medibangpaint

  • 소녀

  • art

  • 창작

  • newoc

  • Backstory

  • vampiregirl

I felt like drawing Freya again, so I did. And I wanted to go in depth of her backstory, for the understanding of future drawings. So Freya is technically a vampire, but a different species. She's a fruit bat, so she doesn't suck blood or live in a spooky mansion. She likes eating things like strawberry jam and fruitcake, and she barely eats meat. She's not vegan though. But as you can see, the drawings on the top are different from the ones at the bottom. That's because Freya had the worst time in high school. Yeah, high school was the worst, but she couldn't do it. Every day, she had to wake up at 4 in the morning, go to class, and then clean her dorm because her roomate never did, and after school, she'd have to study and in the middle of the night, her roommate would come home drunk and start beating her. But you get it. Over time when she graduated, she got a better life which explains the drawings in the bottom. She dyed her hair, became a DJ, and got her degree from college.

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    신작순 YannDessuDraws의 일러스트


    Kind of an Artist


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