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Ideology of minds

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4 years ago

  • January2021_Contest:OC

  • mind

  • Ideology

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  • ايدولوجيا

The political ideology in which the different social groups in society believe may conflict with each other, or be characterized by the reformist or revolutionary method, which aims to change the reality of society and its conditions, but all ideologies are similar in one thing, which is their emotional style and the nature of the movement of the minds of the masses. Hence, ideology, in general, expresses ideas that objective science cannot prove their truth and legitimacy, but the strength of these ideas appears through their emotional tone and style that drives the masses, which is proportional to the social event that can be undertaken. As for the Marxist concept of ideology, it expresses the form and nature of ideas that reflect the interests of the ruling class, which contradict the aspirations and goals of the ruled class, especially in capitalist society.

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