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Team: Royale Groupshot 2.0: Agent Jefferson

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4 years ago

  • oc

  • BlackthornChronicles

Right hand man of Marcus Blackthorn, Council chair 2: "Monolone".Loving Father, Workaholic, and known to few as the mysterious "Wake" of Blackwake.
There's a lot of confusion when it comes to the agent known as Jefferson. Mostly around his name. This German Native never bothers to correct anybody, and usually just answers to "Jay". There's theories that his first name may be "Agent", or it might just be "J", based off his ID.
Jefferson is the Right Hand man of Eleise's Father, "The Invincible" Marcus Blackthorn. Serious and skilled at his job, Jefferson is a reliable agent. A loving father and chronic Workaholic, Jefferson is haunted by the events of "The Blackwake Incident". Unknown to most, Jefferson takes the role in that tale as "The Wake" the lone agent who managed to take on 5 reality warpers and won, using his grandathers strange m1911. The Secret, Jefferson himself is a "Counter" reality warper, and he has no idea how to use his powers.

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