일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 🐾 !! ollie !! 🐾의 일러스트

i am lacking creativity-- LEVEL 3

즐겨찾기 14


  • kemono

  • leopard

  • エモい

  • ThatWeirdOlliePerson

※ 이 작품의 테그편집은 할 수 없습니다.

help me XD

for a couple or something weeks now i've wanted to make random characters for fun but every time i'd try i'd fail-- i've just been finding it so hard to design characters, or draw well, or have fun drawing, ect =[ i hate it a lot, i just want to draw and design characters but i can't cuz... idk, i'm just too bad at it ?! idk how to explain it, but i hate it and it aint a good feeling
i've also always been so bad with colours lol, i just dont know how to pair them, nothing really looks good together when i try to make a cool and pleasing colour palette =(

sigh, so i've just made this emo leopard and he looks kinda cool i guess but i tried to base him off of a certain song but of course, i failed, probably because i started drawing him listening to whole other songs which shifted my mood and ugfhuiwghuwrhu


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    신작순 🐾 !! ollie !! 🐾의 일러스트


    🐾 !! ollie !! 🐾


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