插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

时间顺序 immadametal的插画

Year of the JackRabbit

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浏览数 142


  • ExDynamisChaos

  • JackyHarper

  • OustandingJackrabbit

  • 兔子

  • superhero

  • magicalgirl

  • bunnygirl

  • Cheerleader

  • yearoftherabbit

Since I will be asleep when the Lunar New Year hits in Asia (10 AM is early for me, okay, layoff I'm a night owl), I'm uploading this now before I forget. Since it is the Year of the Rabbit, I figured I'd make a piece featuring my bunny-themed superhero the Oustanding Jackrabbit. Jacky Harper is the lone survivor of a tragic bus accident where she lost her entire cheerleading squad and has inherited the powers of a local urban legend known as the White Rabbit that turned out to be true. Now, anytime life is in peril she is transformed into a bunny girl against her will until the problem is solved and the former White Rabbit, Birgir, is stuck as her familiar until he can get his powers back. Basically, she is a cross between a speedster hero and a magical girl. I tried to crowdfund this as a premium story back in 2017, but there wasn't a bite for it back then. Who knows, maybe I'll bring it back this year if I can find an artist to work with (sadly, I am too busy to draw it all myself).


    时间顺序 immadametal的插画





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