插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Artist_SilentFox的插畫

OC Group - I finally Finished it

我的最愛 1
閱覽數 24


  • 複寫

  • medibangpaint

  • oc

  • digitalartwork

So left to right we have Kayla Stowe, Alex Johnson, Skylor Jones, Silent, Andie Rooks, and Allison(Ally) Cedarwood. The bodies are a template from Medibang but everything else is my own work.
Edit: To help even further with figuring out who is who I’ll go by colors. Kayla is the black-haired one in front, she has the green off-the-shoulder sweater. Next, we have Alex, he has strawberry blond(or as close as I can get) hair and is wearing a dark grey shirt with jeans. Behind Alex and Silent we have Skylor in the olive green shirt and grey shorts. She has brown hair and has it in a bun. If you’ve seen my gallery before you’ll be familiar with Silent, she is my avatar. If you are not familiar with my gallery, Silent is the girl with fox ears and a dark red hoodie. Next to her we have Andie, she is black haired and had a red shirt with a black dress over it. And last but not least we have Ally, she is the redhead with the blue shirt and very light grey almost white skirt.


    上傳時間 Artist_SilentFox的插畫





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