3 years ago
Item: https://www.amazon.com/Graphics-Drawing-Function-Battery-Free-Pressure/dp/B07BGZ81N3/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=huion+kamvas+13&qid=1608970748&s=electronics&sr=1-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFVVzJZQ09aMjJYQjMmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTEwMDgzNTkyTUVKQTlVTVg2VkY0JmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAyNzMyMjcxM1NCQlY5UTVTRUNGJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
Lost all my battles this year, please help me win this one! Ever since 2020started all I get was disappointements and art was the only thing that keeps me going. This will be a life changing gift and having it would open new opportunitiesforme. I really need a proper equipment, I want to pursue my career in art, I'mgoing to start my webcomic next year. no one seems tocare and believe that I can make it, I want toprove them wrong or atleast make myself proud. Pleasehelpme! All I need is a chance.