插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 YannDessuDraws的插畫

Honeypie in Wonderland pt. 5

我的最愛 2
閱覽數 93


  • art

  • 可愛

  • medibangpaint

  • oc

  • Story

  • 跑跑薑餅人

  • cookierunkingdom

Honeypie took Shortcake by the hand and started walking out of the cafe.
HP: Um, Shortcake? What about Donut-
SS: She's not my friend anymore. Come on, I'll take you to my house.
They arrived to Shortcake's house and Shortcake settled Honeypie in and showed her to the guest room.
SS: It's late, get some rest. Good night!
HP: Night.
Shortcake left the room and Honeypie started to cry.
HP: *crying* Is Shortcake mad at me?? Did I do something to Donut? I ruined their friendship, that was so rude of me! No.... I need to fix this.


    上傳時間 YannDessuDraws的插畫



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