일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 4ForFour의 일러스트

My selfsona or whatever (offensive comments bonus)

즐겨찾기 1


  • medibangpaint

  • green

  • colorful

  • pixels

  • meettheartist

  • flipnote

I didn’t feel like making this look good, so I hope this sprinkles your pig.

It’s also impossible to read the text, but for some people, knowledge won’t kill ‘em. It’s also a hassle to change it, sorry dude
Anyway, this is the awful way I draw myself, 4ForFour (as my original name goes), and my whole thing when it comes to drawing is to make it unique and perhaps it’ll turn out well. Although, this more reflects my favorite designing style of “dumbass badass”, and it’s kind of a meet the artist. If you’ve ever wanted to be my friend, this drawing features some of my personal opinions and most people don’t agree with them (bwomp). I still respect other people and their opinions. Understand, I’m filled with some bitter malice on the inside, but it usually does not cloud my view, especially my sense of rationality and my ability to stay in the moment (not to brag, actually, I’m upset that I’m not a bit more sensitive and I’m a poor planner).

Might hide this later, it’s very bitter lol

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    신작순 4ForFour의 일러스트




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