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5 years ago

  • ARTstreet_Design

the super heroes are popular, so I designed one for my country Bolivia, she wears a uniform that is a tribute to the "COLORADOS DE BOLIVIA" (bolivia reds), a regiment of infantry famous for their heroic acts in the "GUERRA DEL PACIFICO "(war of the pacific), conflict in which my country lost its coast. She has blue eyes for always being with her eyes on the sea, because she wants to recover the coasts of Bolivia. She has obtained her powers of "WIRACOCHA" the god of tiwanaku, and obtains the energy of the "PACHAMAMA" (the planet earth), the "INTI" (the sun) and all the living animals and plants on the planet. She is the heir of the power of the winged beings who fought next to WIRACOCHA against the stone giants 12,000 years ago.

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