most were done on one layer
my tablet has been being laggy so one layer would mean less lag and yeah...
Just imagine this as a shitty house party where...
wait no Mimi is like 14...ghost girl might still be able to drink I mean-
we got
a vegan zombie (don't worry he isn't preachy about it he just does it so he has less of a chance for people cravings...we don't need him eating the barista at Starbucks bc he felt like it)
A werewolf flirting with a werecat who is so done
A ghosty goo
A vampire who is attempting but failing to call her down (did I mention she's his sister?)
another demon who is smoking something we don't need to know about
oh boy amonster Hunter has snuck into the party...and got drunk...oh no this can only end 2 ways
A fucked up ghosty goo
another vampire who is also a whor-
a fawn...hafling...thing...
and finally another demon who just wanted to have some drinks and have fun but has to deal with...THIS.