일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 HumanReploidJP의 일러스트

Let's Dance! (Neosaber)

즐겨찾기 0


  • anime

  • 자캐

  • graffiti

  • pretty

  • neon

  • neonlights

  • hipstergirl

  • alleyway

  • neosaber

※ 이 작품의 테그편집은 할 수 없습니다.

A week and a half between making this artwork and cutting slack for helping on other things and everything I see that's very messy.

Another one of my OCs aside from the previous artwork that I created 2 weeks and 2 days ago. This time, with a display of her own power before you, and a pretty smile for the camera.

Her favorite game is a rhythm game where she can swing two swords to cut to the beat while getting down on the dancefloor, although she uses only one of her lightsabers, simply because of the color Blue (her favorite color) that ties to her Neolite form.

Also, you may be wondering that she looks like a teenager. You're wrong! She's 18 years old, and she entered the life of living alone as a runaway adult.

She bears her skin at night, fights her opponents to the death, and she doesn't even care about almost everything. All she would ever do is have a fun fight for a while until sunrise when monsters dwell in darkness and terrorism.

    다음 작품

    신작순 HumanReploidJP의 일러스트


    Experient Illustrator


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    오늘의 레벨업!