Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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6 years ago

  • MediBang

My god- my back, knees, arms and head hurt so bad right now. I might have to go take paracetamol or something. Anyways, this is the first time I’ve used and edited a base for adoptables and it was quite fun actually. I might do another batch of these little guys at some point. My handwriting is pretty bad though so...
1) NTA (Name to adopt)
2) DTA (Draw to adopt)
3) NTA
4) I might keep them tbh- sorry about that! ^^;
5) DTA
6) OTA (Offer to adopt)
Sone small rules;
-For the NTAs, you can suggest up to 5 names (anymore and I’ll just pick the first 5)
-No arguing please uwu
-They can be drawn as an anthro- just tell me if you plan to do so
-For the OTA, I accept old ocs, art, reserves and anything else that just generally interests me (I won’t be accepting customs this time- I’m running out of creative ideas for them xd)
-Have fun!
I don’t really have a set due date for DTA entries but it’ll probably end in a few days when I pick the winners.
Good luck!

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