Feel Free To Vent
6 years ago
Hey! I’m not dead.
I apologize for all the depressing things lately. I’m trying to go back onto a normal meme thingy..Cause memes are better.
I have been working on different things (I think I have 4 or 5) but I’m just not getting enough motivation to finish it. I have finished one, actually. But it’s not really good enough to be posted 😅..
I have a 2 *pretty great!* ones and I’m just too lazy to finish them so god knows when that’ll happen.
Aside from that, as said in the title, feel free to vent in the comments about anything you want. I’ll try and be of assistance, etc, etc.
Thanks for listening to me ramble on.
Enjoy!~ ✌︎('ω'✌︎ )