일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Jewel의 일러스트

selfie!! ♥♥

즐겨찾기 0


  • Post_Multiple_Images_Contest

  • 소녀

  • art

  • digital

  • 포켓몬

  • selfie

  • ポケットモンスターソード・シールド

"Back at Wyndon Stadium for another exhibition match!"

I'd like to imagine that this is a picture my in-game character from Pokémon Shield would have taken after becoming Galar's champion. She has just come back to the Wyndon Stadium again to participate in an exhibition match as the champion.

The pictures are as following:
1. view through the camera lens
2. decorated with doodles and stickers (which are of my playthrough team)
3. a filter added to the background
4. the original "photo"
5. the stickers of the team by themselves, along with the pokéball they were caught in and their gender

The shading for this was purely experimental, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. The whole piece itself took me way too long to do though, now that I'm in school again. I don't think I'll ever make anything that will take as long as this in the near future.

~~note that this is NOT Gloria, this is my own character from the game, who is not related to Gloria in any way whatsoever~~

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    신작순 Jewel의 일러스트




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