插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 💖💛💙Pan-Dairy💙💛💖的插畫

Your Favorite Pirate Pal...

我的最愛 14
閱覽數 83


  • medibangpaint

Foxy. Foxy. Foxy. We all remember his catchy Da-Da-Dum toon. But he's back! And cuter than ever!.... Right? NAH FAM. It's actually nightmare foxy, using his adorable plushie counterpart as a mask to hide the terrible gruesome fate he will bring upon Afton's youngest son... ANY WHO! I hoped you enjoy that weird little mini poem thing, and this art that took me 3 hours and 13 hours... that I fully shaded.... used a friggin water brush(wet).... nit picked at with a small eraser.... redid the background about 4 times... and tried to make heavily detailed... all. With. My. Finger. Hah. I'm dying inside rn-


    上傳時間 💖💛💙Pan-Dairy💙💛💖的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP