插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 SilverCloud25的插畫

Alone LEVEL 1

我的最愛 3
閱覽數 64


  • 數碼

  • AU

  • MyArt

  • rubegetta

  • WanderersAU

"He could barely stand on his own feet, he didn't even know how long he'd been running or how high the sun was in the sky because of the storm that was hitting him violently. Since he took the last look at that familiar valley, his brain had drilled into him without mercy with memories and images of his home and those he loved the most. And as we all know, humans are not made to be alone. He was just a kid, now a fugitive in inhospitable and dangerous lands, without family or home and with a future uncertain ahead."


    上傳時間 SilverCloud25的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP