Table Flip Danny
Wow I can't believe I hadn't known about this series until only a few weeks ago because I absolutley love old fashioned themed things like Hamilton (the 1800's) so them actually putting that together is like my unltimate dream come true.
If you don't know what this is it's a series called 'Table Flip' hosted by Suzy and Barry from Game Grumps and although it is old and discontinued, I really like it. And if you don't know what Game Grumps is I recommend you watch them or at least their 10 Minute Power Hour because they are very talented and funny individuals.
During Table Flip, at the same time they are playing with friends and just being themselves, they are having fun and 'roleplaying' appropriately as to how they are dressed. It might just be cool because I've seen so much of Game Grumps before this, but it's enjoyable if you are open to stupid jokes and comedy.