일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Love Angel_wolf의 일러스트

amy y Love angel wolf

즐겨찾기 1


  • medibangpaint

  • 일러스트

  • chibi

  • Ilustration

  • Girls

  • chibigirl

  • ilustraciondigital

hello my love, here I bring another illustration, it is not original to me, I actually want to learn how to draw chibi, this is one of the Medibang tools and I loved it, I highly recommend it, I cordially invite you to follow me and if you like that so cute , I hope many likes I love you very much and I say goodbye, soon I will bring you something new, if you find this super cute give it many likes, (I am drawing with a computer mouse, I really think it will be damaged XD) bye bye

holiiiii mis amores, aca traigo otra ilustracion no es original mia, en realidad quiero aprender a dibujar chibi, esta es una de las herramientas de Medibang y me encanto se las recomiendo mucho, les invito coordialmente tambien a seguirme y si les gusto eso tan lindoo, espero muchos likes los quiero mucho y me despido, pronto les traere algo nuevo, si les parece esto super tierno denle muchos me gustas,(estoy dibujando con raton de computadora, de verdad creo que se va a dañar XD) chaooo adiositoooo

    다음 작품

    신작순 Love Angel_wolf의 일러스트


    Love Angel_wolf


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