yea sorry i haven't been on in a while. so much work to do and so little time... it's even worse because i procrastinate.
also i'm thinking of leaving and only posting on instagram but i feel like some of you may get upset? or maybe you won't and i'm just worrying too much again. im not really active on here anyway and people don't seem to care about my junk (lol i don't even know if anyone bothered to read this). also tags are pretty much useless so there's almost no way of reaching out to people with the same interests as me.
idk i'm confused of what to do rn. if i don't leave then i'll probably just be inactive for like a month or so... maybe longer depending on what life throws at me
shit- i'm supposed to be stUdyInG bYE
Anyway I appreciate all your nice comments and I hope you have a merry Christmas (for those who celebrate) <3