插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

时间顺序 🌙🍩🍪Creative Bakery🍪🍩🌙的插画

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  • owo
  • owo

Ibis Paint X and my computer has been having technical issues and I have been feeling ill and tired for this past month. I am taking a small break and I will try to post as much as I can during my break. I am trying to post daily because I always have art block so I try to draw my ideas. My next drawings will be a new OC character reference and Hanukkah and Christmas adopts. I will be also be taking requests in the comment section. But I won't fulfill the requests until I feel better.

Wow this is long O<O


    时间顺序 🌙🍩🍪Creative Bakery🍪🍩🌙的插画



    今日的LEVEL UP