An exercise - chainsaw man
I’ve heard of this exercise from youtube and decided to try it myself…. It’s basically redrawing a manga page in your style… I’m a little burnt out or…, no, that’s not the right word for my current state, but it messes with my thinking process, so I can’t organise my thoughts. All I can say, it’s from chainsaw man (end of chapter 9).
It’s so weird… I don’t know what my problem is, but I don’t like Tatsuki Fujimoto’s art style as much as I thought I did. Before I took a closer look, I idolised it and probably said to myself that it is my favourite manga art style. Probably because of my mind tricking me, now I often have a headache when looking at chainsaw man art… I’m just confused and I hate feeling that way, so a new goal for today – figure out how I really feel about chainsaw man art. Starting from now. So the first revelation would be — so far I really like how Tatsuki Fujimoto draws women and girls, but dislike how he draws men and guys. I also like the messy style.