插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 黒白的插畫

Huion LEVEL 3

我的最愛 11
閱覽數 110


  • 你最想要的禮物是?2020

  • 你最想要的禮物是?2020:5萬日元部門

I love to have a drawing tablets so that I can draw freely. I only have a computer, so I need to use the mouse and keyboard to process the artwork. In addition, it take longer than usual and my hands started to hurt, so I had to put the artwork on for days to complete it. Not only that, When I starting an art, I have a lot of explosive ideas, but just because I had to use a computer mouse and keyboard, my ideas were just like a dreams that don't come true. I'm not the luckiest person to get what I really want, but it's ok. It's the way I have to go through.
( https://www.amazon.com/Drawing-Monitor-Full-Laminated-Battery-Free-Adjustable/dp/B07RXZC12J/ref=sr_1_14?crid=1DQ8ZEOLZSUBN&dchild=1&keywords=drawing+tablets&qid=1609063804&sprefix=drawiing%2Caps%2C625&sr=8-14 )


    上傳時間 黒白的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP