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Latest Manalodia’s art

Penumbra nobile (Female) A

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4 years ago

  • female

  • character

  • original

  • digital

  • oc

  • DarkFantasy

  • noble

  • penumbra

  • Kolonian

Penumbra nobles have both privileges and responsibilities gentry, labourers and prevailing people do not. Elitism is traditionally shunned as each of high standing is expected to be eldest kin to those without the wealth and influence of birthright. Some participation with society in way of employ, service or social engagement in way of festives, balls or artes. Unless one is ostracized in some rare instance, all participate.

Female nobles are distinguished for the same reasons as their male counterparts, though nothing official such as judgetary robes. Noble females have traditionally shaped the fashion of Kolonia, typically the seamstress guilds are run by them. Their role is somewhat like in other cultured societies in that noble women are in charge of the social advancements of their husbands, if not more so. 'To act as one is to be as one'. Raising of children is shared between elderparents in order to attend to these duties.

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