BG: pink tint, sparkles, firework, gold-grey sand
9 months ago
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One day on the 1st of June, 2024 I was playing around with some bright colored tints that almost looked like pastel colors. I used Krita then when I was drawing and painting a background. it was meant to be a background for Milkie Way cookie (from Cookie Run Kingdom game) fanart. My computer was heating up the Krita drawing program when I drew the background for my fanart. I shut down my computer multiple times and I had to refresh my page to make it run smoothly and it was very frustrating. I could not manage to finish the entire fanart of Milkie Way cookie from CRK game. The only thing that I could do and finish was to draw this simple background only. At least I made a piece of digital artwork (although it is not finished), am I right?