Snow LEVEL 1
4 years ago
ive been playing niche more again and here is my two favoriete nichlings from that save so far : )
note to self:
ive been having troble doing my drawing (about my storys) so im going to be drawing just stuff i want to for a while or at least until i feel bad about it of not fully canon drawing of my ocs or just drawing of games because thats more relaxing... ill be sure to say if a drawing is related to story or not mostly for myself because i already have troble with having non canon drawing which where not labled as it and it messed up my storyline and now i have to rewrite it again...
i need to stop typing so much im not good at it if you read this im sorry this is just me talking to myself which i probably wont read anyway... now i realise that if your writing to yourself you dont normally say I oh well ok... ill stop typing now...