杰明生素描 (Sheng Jieming Sketch) LEVEL 1
Meet Sheng Jieming, a man of incredible potential whose fate is shrouded in darkness and mystery. Jieming was born into the family of the well-known usurper Mae Sheng, but was driven out by the expansionists from the central continent. He was exiled because many of his family did not meet human standards. It's just crazy! For a long time, Jieming thought about what had happened. He roamed the world in order to understand what distortions really are and where they come from. Why can't people show tolerance for those around them, why exterminate those who don't look a bit like you? And it was only with these sayings that people followed him, devouring the clans of the east in order to strike at the dynasty that called Jieming a family, but exposed him as a mudblood...