일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 SkyfireTailspin (Furry)의 일러스트

Skyfire Tailspin Fursona update - German Shepherd

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so i been working my fursona quite while i had past few designs and ton's ideas and concept's but i came eventually it has to be German Shepherd and not Siberian husky. which was my second idea but it was quite not what i would like be but had say design is still open just trying to find that perfect design/concept but i had wait like 3 - 5 weeks because my contact is making/working my past design idea that i shared with her. so this is an backup plan if the contact plan is not as indeed i will share this to her hoping it perfectly helps him to plan it.

I will review her plans soon as he sends them to me after it i will share the plans here as an proof that i'm contacted her about fursuit creation.
But yeah now i go back to dog's bed for resting and watching just few series that i started yesterday.

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    신작순 SkyfireTailspin (Furry)의 일러스트


    SkyfireTailspin (Furry)


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