Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Manga practice 001: Mission complete

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2 years ago

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  • manga

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  • mangaart

Hice una practica de una página completa de manga, como es solo una página quise contar algo muy corto y al ser la primera que me gustaría saber que se puede hacer mejorar o cambiar para que se vea mejor, entonces me gustaría leer sus opiniones, veras una version traducida en mi perfil.
Recuerda que puedes ver mas trabajos asi en mi instagram: @chokedman, es gratis jaja. ademas podras contactarme para alguna ilustracion, comission, proyecto, entre mas cosas.
Buenas vibras a todos.
I did a practice of a full page of manga, as it is only one page I wanted to tell something very short and being the first I would like to know what can be improved or changed to make it look better, so I would like to read your opinions, you will see a translated version on my profile.
Remember that you can see more works like this on my instagram: @chokedman, it's free haha. You can also contact me for an illustration, commission, project, among other things.
Good vibes everyone.

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