Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
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ART street Character

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5 years ago

  • ARTstreet_Design

  • girl

  • illustration

  • chibi

  • animegirl

This is Mio, she's a shy chibi girl that loves to draw and apreciatte art, she also support/help other people on their drawings when she can and she dreams to become a great animator. Mio is 15cm tall, her age is unkown, and she is from a world paralel to ours where all things are chibi. Her favorite food is sandwich, she is not good at the kitchen, she likes to listen to instrumental songs and favorite animal is a hamster. Mio always use a light color dress with dark edges and a pair of dark socks. She has a braid on her large lock of hair, she uses a pair of golden earrings and a black necklace choker. She's very friendly and you can count on her when is needed and since she can travel around the world just by teleporting she'll be there as fast as you call her. =D

(sorry for any gramatical errors >,<)

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