插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang


My wrist....

我的最愛 6
閱覽數 116


  • medibangpaint

This is my wrist.... I wear long sleeves,ECT everyday so no one sees... They don't know the pain...I feel everyday....If I get a lot of views....I'll know people care.... And if I get more views then I expect.....I will keep living....If not....I will end my life tomorrow......wanna save a life?View.....This.......I am so sorry to my wrist...But i can't...change the fact that I hate myself.....I didn't start off like this....it was the bullies,and online bullies that made it hard for me to live....my life is terrible.....I wanna end it.......But.....I have too think about it.....my life is gotten more terrible each day I continue to live......


    I'm sorry.....



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