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Ganyu but It's Broken LEVEL 3

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Views 382

3 years ago

  • girl

  • anime

  • medibangpaint

  • horn

  • notganyu

Hi Hello There ! 🌟

My Cousin choose the very base color for this...So yeah, the colors are very different from what should it be YvY. He always choose the neon colors as the base color though, so I need to tune it down...But It's ok !
• • •
You may ask because I told you all before that my coloring device that I borrowed is not with can I do Coloring ?
The answer is Simple !
i use my potato phone Redmi 5A riva to color this...again.
Well It's ok tho, I used to draw and color with this phone in the past, so It's like I'm back to that time !

I realized that I'm a r e a l l y patient person because I draw with this phone, It lags a lot you know hehe ;;;;;
I'm ok
Well actually I'm...really proud with my phone, I love my phone so much ❤️

That's all !
Thank you so much for reading this description and the art view ! That means a lot ! ❤️❤️❤️

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