일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang



즐겨찾기 1


  • furry

  • redraw

  • Imsorry

  • imback

Hey it's me! the girl with the obviously ripped off Sleepykinq oc, Genesis. I'm back again with real art skills and ORIGINAL characters.
I was a stupid kid back in 2018. I was in my sleepykinq phase (as you might've guessed) and I wanted a character that was similar to Mystery, since I liked him so much. And so, Genesis was born.
I've designed him over and over, trying to make him look less like Mystery, but I'd always get the comments saying 'hE'S jUsT a BlUe MysTeRy!!1!11!' and at the time, he was. 2018 me just didn't want to listen. I really considered quitting art bc of those comments. but thank god i didn't, because now he looks like this.
all of my other characters have been redesigned. Marion in particular was never supposed to look like Mystery. Due to his irrelevance in the current story i'm writing, i haven't had the chance to redraw him.
Anyways, i hope you enjoy the new and improved art i'm going to start putting out. thanks for sticking around.

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    hrnng soup


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